Two tinkies exchanged cunnilingus and made a double blowjob to a porn agent
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Duration: 15:02
Views: 7.56K
Date: 8 months ago
Jessica Rex and Nari Park met in the office, where they became friends. But after a year of work, the company went bankrupt and the long-legged tinkies were out of work. Girlfriends decide to continue moving up the career ladder together, so they spend a long time brainstorming to figure out what to do next. During one of these conversations, it turns out that both stole have been thinking about a career in porn for a long time, so the decision comes instantly and after a few days the friends already find themselves at the same casting, where they give interviews together, and then warm up each other with cunnilingus, do a double blowjob on the director's riser and fuck with him in turn