The master forbids the bound slave to write and presses a vibrator to her pussy
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Duration: 06:12
Views: 8.78K
Date: 5 months ago
If skinny Odette Delacroix is interested in something in terms of sex, then you can be one hundred percent sure that she will try it in reality. Previously, the blonde did not even think about obeying someone else's will, but the desire to experience the sensations of BDSM fucking on her own skin leads her to the studio to a mature sadist. A man tightly binds a skinny slave with ropes and forbids her to write. The girl wriggles and dances, trying not to piss herself in her panties, and then the master grabs her by the hair and holds her in a semi-crouch over a metal bucket, simultaneously pressing a vibrator to the clitoris. Not to pee in such a situation is clearly a difficult task