The masseur fucked a Russian woman with a narrow pussy at a massage session
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Duration: 10:28
Views: 6.69K
Date: 4 years ago
Russian Valentina Lashkeeva is a popular porn model who has every chance to enter the annals of history and become a legend. But periodically it seems to a thin blonde that she has chosen the wrong path for development and because of this she does not feel joy. True, the skinny girl has learned to cope with such emotional surges with the help of masturbation and loneliness. This time she uses a new tactic, coming to an erotic massage session. After stripping the Russian cutie naked, the type liberally lubricates her body with oil, and then caresses her shaved pussy with her fingers and exposes a hard cock for a blowjob. The bitch easily copes with oral caresses and allows herself to be fucked in a narrow slit