Naked Tyrra Dent, Leslie Brownlee and Sinnamon Schreinert in the thriller "Glass"

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Duration: 05:06
Views: 4.21K
Date: 3 months ago

If it seems to you that once again the search for a good movie ends with the discovery of some low-grade nonsense, try to discard all doubts and watch the movie without prejudice to it. The thriller "Glass" may seem just such a lame movie, which is a pity to waste time on, but still try it. The main character is in a panic, because a maniac is hunting for her, and she, overcome by paranoia, begins to live in an apartment with glass walls, walk naked and stare stupidly at the city. In these excerpts from the film, you can see the naked asses and tits of Terra Dent, Leslie Brownlee and Sinnamon Shriner, who find themselves in an apartment with glass walls