Man distracts girlfriend from training for sex in the living room

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Duration: 18:03
Views: 6.20K
Date: 4 years ago

For the last six months, Danika Mori has been training a lot and trying to keep herself in shape so that at the end of the coronavirus quarantine, she could impress all her friends with her uniform. But the guy of the girl, although he is glad that the partner has taken up her appearance and is actively engaged in sports, cannot look at her calmly... The thing is that the chick puts on leggings and a black top for training, which look so fucking good on the bitch that the penis itself strains at a glance. Deciding that today it's not worth keeping your soaps and fantasies in hedgehog hands, the guy pulls down his pants in front of the chick's face and gets a juicy blowjob from her, and then the opportunity to fuck in a shaved pussy on the couch in the living room