Ivy Le belle and Krissy Lynn perform anal BDSM fantasies of a man
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Duration: 07:21
Views: 5.48K
Date: 1 year ago
When two friends Ivy Le belle and Krissy Lynn get acquainted with a bachelor rich man, they immediately decide that they will fight for him. Both bitches want to fit their asses well and do nothing while the money goes into their pockets by itself. But it's hard for a man to make a choice, because both a tattooed brunette and a redhead are good... Having come up with a special task, the type shares his anal BDSM fantasies with the bitches, after which the girls take turns giving themselves a fuck. But when it is revealed in the bathroom that both are fucking with a male behind each other's backs, a scandal begins. It's good that Ramon immediately stops him and ruins both holes and throats of bound whores