He fucked Jamie Jackson's fleshy ass with a stringy dick, oiling it with oil
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Duration: 12:00
Views: 2.12K
Date: 3 years ago
When Jamie Jackson met Chris Stroux purely by chance in a supermarket queue, she could not even think that the guy would turn out to be a real porn actor and drag her to shoot porn. Deciding that it would be a sin not to take advantage of such a chance, the girl puts on a hat, a yellow T-shirt and revealing panties, in which she comes to the first shoot. The girl is a little nervous, but quickly relaxes when a man liberally lubricates her ass with massage oil, and then, having got high from a blowjob, breaks the hollow with a big tense dick. Jamie's anal hole has definitely never had such big things before, and don't go to a fortune teller here