Bachelor fucked a Russian designer girl after cunnilingus in the kitchen
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Duration: 08:08
Views: 4.90K
Date: 1 year ago
The bachelor rich man decided to make repairs in the apartment, but he has too narrow a view of design, so he decided to seek advice from a specialist. A young girl designer Linda, coming to the object in a white dress, sits down at the kitchen table to find the perfect setting in the kitchen, but a dude in jeans sits down behind her and very deftly excites with touches and kisses. The brown-haired woman does not restrain the impulse of lust, because she has not had sex for a long time. Spreading her legs in front of the client, she gets cunnilingus, performs blowjob on a hard dick and fucks beautifully with a type on the kitchen table and a leather ottoman until cum in her mouth