All the explicit scenes with nudity and half-naked actresses from the thriller "Mulholland Drive"
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Duration: 11:05
Views: 9.69K
Date: 4 years ago
If you ask yourself, they say, who is the gloomy genius of modern cinema, then Godzilla will answer without further thought - David Lynch. This gray-haired old man not only fucked everyone up by rolling out 20 hours of schizophrenia videos instead of a good third season of Twin Peaks, but also recently filmed a documentary, during which he interviewed a monkey. But earlier Lynch also shot a relatively normal movie, to which it is difficult to attribute "Mulholland Drive", but still worth it. Firstly, there is a damn beautiful picture, and secondly, there are plenty of explicit scenes with nudity and beautiful sex, in which celebrities such as Naomi Watts, Laura Herring, Laurie Hering and Rena Riffel take part