A sleepy dude tore leggings on a Black woman and fucked her at a morning workout
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Duration: 10:23
Views: 2.13K
Date: 9 months ago
The guy decided to take up his life and change it, bringing it to a qualitatively new level. To do this, the type hires a personal fitness trainer, a dark-skinned fitonyashka. But the first training session, the person wakes up with pleasure, forgetting about everything in the world. But a black woman in purple bicycles and a T-shirt was well paid, so she comes home to the type and arranges a stormy awakening for him. The sleepy type barely has time to put on sportswear, as it already turns out to be put on a yoga mat. However, the training is not going according to plan at all, because the guy dumped his stringy cock in front of the chocolate bar for a blowjob, after which he tore her leggings and fucked her