A barmaid with pink hair breeds a young virgin to fuck
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Duration: 05:18
Views: 4.29K
Date: 3 years ago
The kid just broke up with his girlfriend because she started making fun of him because of his virginity. So what if he hasn't fucked anyone? What's wrong with that? Why the fuck was it to laugh at him and call him a non-kissed loser? Having abandoned the stupid bitch, our hero goes to a bar where he wants to drown his longing in a glass of beer. Having talked with a big-boobed barmaid, the dude pays attention to how she stares at him and understands that the lady definitely does not mind having sex. In less than a couple of minutes, a woman lays down a virgin, takes off her pink panties and sits on a cock with a champing mandala. The guy clearly fucked up not only from this turn of events, but also from such a cool first time